Government Partners
Find out about the three governments behind our waterfront revitalization.
Waterfront Toronto was established in 2001 by the Government of Canada, Province of Ontario and the City of Toronto to oversee and deliver the revitalization of Toronto’s waterfront. The three orders of government each committed $500 million in seed capital and provided Waterfront Toronto with effective development control over government owned waterfront lands. Each government appoints a maximum of four members to Waterfront Toronto's Board of Directors. The chair is jointly appointed by governments.
Federally, Infrastructure Canada is responsible for waterfront revitalization. At the provincial level, responsibility rests with the Ministry of Infrastructure. The Waterfront Project Secretariat under a Deputy City Manager oversees revitalization activities at the municipal level.

Waterfront Toronto's authority and boundaries are outlined in the Toronto Waterfront Revitalization Corporation Act, 2002; and the Ontario Regulation 200-3.
Infrastructure Canada
Toronto Waterfront Revitalization Initiative
The Toronto Waterfront Revitalization Initiative (TWRI) is a wide-ranging initiative that crosses several federal departments and is managed by Infrastructure Canada on behalf of the federal government. The TWRI is both an infrastructure and urban renewal investment.
The purpose of the TWRI is to revitalize the Toronto waterfront through investments in both traditional city-building infrastructure, such as local transportation and sewers, and more contemporary urban development, including parks, green spaces, recreation facilities and the redevelopment of underutilized post-industrial areas. It is expected that investments in these areas will result in both social and economic benefits for the Toronto region and will position Canada, Ontario and Toronto in the new economy and thus ensure Canada's continued success in the global economy.
Ministry of Infrastructure
The revitalization of Toronto's waterfront offers a tremendous opportunity to prepare for a new century of growth and prosperity for Canada's largest city and Ontario's provincial capital. This project also provides an excellent venue to implement and showcase the province's Smart Growth initiative – to build strong communities, while maintaining a competitive economy and a safe, healthy environment.
The Agency Policy and Accountability Branch, part of the Ministry of Infrastructure, is working with federal and municipal partners along with Waterfront Toronto to meet the challenge of moving forward with the design and implementation of a bold new waterfront plan. The Agency Policy and Accountability Branch is dedicated to building consensus among waterfront stakeholders, representing and advancing the Province of Ontario's interests and developing recommendations to Cabinet on proposed waterfront investment priorities.
Toronto Waterfront Project Secretariat
Established in 2001, Toronto's Waterfront Project Secretariat is the first point of contact at the City on all waterfront renewal matters and reports to the Deputy City Manager.
Toronto's Waterfront Project Secretariat leads and directs the City's participation in the revitalization of Toronto's waterfront. The Secretariat monitors and advises City Council on the business performance and fiscal requirements of Waterfront Toronto, ensures cross-divisional collaboration in the planning and delivery of waterfront initiatives in compliance with Council objectives and provides strategic direction on the management of municipal assets in the designated waterfront area. It also ensures that the City's regulations are respected and its interests represented in all decision-making on the project, including tri-government negotiations.
In its day-to-day activities, the Secretariat provides one-window access to and liaises with Waterfront Toronto, the federal and provincial governments, and a number of agencies, boards and commissions, such as CreateTO, the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC), and the Toronto Region Conservation (TRCA), as well as City divisions on waterfront initiatives.

Contact Information:
Marc-André Mineau
Director, Alternative Finance, Investment, Partnerships and Innovation
Infrastructure Canada
1100-180 Kent Street, Ottawa ON K1P 0B6

Contact Information:
Shameez Rabdi
Director, Agency Policy and Accountability Branch
Ministry of Infrastructure
777 Bay Street, Toronto ON M5G 2E5
Contact information:
David Stonehouse
Director, Waterfront Secretariat
Phone: 416-397-4821
Fax: 416-392-8805