Pre-Qualified Vendors
For projects of a certain scale and complexity, Waterfront Toronto issues a Pre-Qualification document as the first stage of the procurement process.
Firms that succeed in progressing to the second stage, based on a competitive process through which their submissions are evaluated, are invited to submit full proposals in response to a Request for Proposals (RFP).

Waterfront Toronto also uses a Best and Final Offer (BAFO) procurement method. This is a two-in-one process, where participants are shortlisted in the first phase of the RFP and then are invited to participate in the second phase of the RFP.
Please note that, for both processes noted above, only firms that have been successfully prequalified or shortlisted will be invited to participate in the second phase of the process.
Examples of projects that may require this two-phased approach include development projects, construction management, soil management, complex construction projects and design competitions.