The Bronze Fish are Coming Back to Queens Quay

Bronze fish set into granite sidewalk pavers


The forty-two bronze fish that were removed from Queens Quay are now being returned to the water’s edge. This fish was installed earlier this month, as a test while crews have been perfecting their installation techniques.

By Mira Shenker

Now that Queens Quay has reopened, many people have been asking about the bronze fish. Where are they? When are they coming back? Local artist Stephen Radmacher’s forty-two bronze fish sculptures ran west along Queens Quay from the foot of York Street.

This public art installation is well known and much loved by locals. That’s why we took careful note of the condition and position of each fish before removing them in May 2013. 

A 'fishectomy' in May 2013 left gaps in the sidewalk.

A 2013 “fishectomy” temporarily left some fish-shaped gaps in the old Queens Quay sidewalk.

The fish were sent back to Radmacher, who straightened and cleaned them. He also added new stainless steel rods to anchor the fish into the concrete base below the granite promenade. The fish were photographed, measured from nose to tail, and labelled so that each one could be returned to its exact location along the new granite promenade.

Crews work in small fenced off areas to reinstall the fish.Each fish is carefully reinstalled in its exact former location.

Each of the bronze fish is being carefully reinstalled in their exact former locations.

Crews started reinstalling the fish on Monday and the entire process that will take several weeks. You may see them working in small fenced-off areas along the south-side promenade.

We’re happy to see this piece of public art returned to its spot along the new Queens Quay.

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Bronze fish scultpure by artist Stephen Radmacher