Shaping the Future: Placemaking in the Port Lands and Connecting South of Eastern

plan underway to create a new community for Toronto

A plan is underway to create a new complete community for Toronto with beautiful parks and natural habitats.


Located just east of Toronto’s downtown, the Port Lands represent a major opportunity for waterfront revitalization. Roughly the same size as downtown Toronto, our plan is to transform an underutilized industrial area with extensive waterfront access into complete and vibrant communities in the midst of the hustle and bustle of the film industry and an active port. A mix of residential, commercial and industrial buildings, along with stronger connections to the city core, will turn the Port Lands into Toronto’s newest destination.

This area on the waterfront is currently undergoing a massive urban planning exercise. Waterfront Toronto and the City of Toronto are nearing the completion of a series of plans that will guide the transformation of the Port Lands and better connect the Port Lands and South of Eastern areas. These include plans for the overall vision for the Port Lands (land use, streets and public realm, high-level built form, biodiversity, sustainability, public art and affordable housing); and, plans for an overall street and active transportation network and future municipal servicing (water, wastewater and stormwater management) to support regeneration, renewal and employment growth. In addition, a more detailed plan for the first complete community in the Port Lands – Villiers Island – will be presented.

Public input has played a key role in shaping the plans so far. We are again inviting your participation to help refine and further shape them. A public consultation meeting is being held to present findings from three concurrent studies – the Port Lands Planning Framework, the Villiers Island Precinct Plan and the Port Lands and South of Eastern Transportation and Servicing Master Plan Environmental Assessment (EA).

How you can participate

Given the amount and complexity of information, this consultation will be a two-step process.

1. Information Sessions:

Key findings, emerging directions and preferred solutions will be presented at two open house sessions on November 14, 2015. The morning and afternoon sessions will be identical. Each will begin with an overview presentation, providing an update on the work completed to date and outlining the format of the four information sessions: vision and urban structure, transportation and servicing, character and place, and Villiers Island Precinct Plan.

Each of the information sessions will run four times in the morning and four times in the afternoon. Stay for all four sessions or attend the ones of most interest to you. Each session will also be recorded and posted online following the meeting. The open house will run all day with staff available to answer your questions.

2. Workshop meetings:

Public input and comment will be sought at two evening workshop meetings on November 17, 2015 and November 18, 2015.

Public Meeting Details:

Open House: Presentations and Information Sessions 
November 14, 2015
George Brown College, Waterfront Campus, 51 Dockside Drive

Session 1: 9:00am to 12:00pm
Overview Presentation: 9:00 a.m.
Information Sessions: 9:30 a.m. / 10:10 a.m. / 10:50 a.m. / 11:30 a.m.

Session 2: 1:00pm to 4:00pm
Overview Presentation: 1:00 p.m.
Information Sessions: 1:30 p.m. / 2:10 p.m. / 2:50 p.m. / 3:30 p.m.

Workshop: Placemaking in the Port Lands
November 17, 2015
Morse Street Junior Public School, 180 Carlaw Avenue
6:30pm - 9:00pm

Workshop: Connecting the Port Lands + South of Eastern Areas
November 18, 2015
Toronto Fire Academy - EMS Training Centre, 895 Eastern Avenue
6:30pm - 9:00pm

If you are unable to attend the meetings in person, you can participate online at If you have specific accommodation requirements, please email or call 416-214-1344.

After the open house, the presentations and information, including video recordings, will be made available on and feedback can be provided by completing an online discussion guide. If you wish to receive further information on the plans or be added to a mailing list, please contact:

Cassidy Ritz, City of Toronto
Project Manager, City Planning Division

Amanda Santo, Waterfront Toronto
Director, Development Approvals