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Pat Hanson, OAA AAA RAIC is a founding partner of gh3, a practice based on a new paradigm that explores the overlap of architecture, landscape and sustainability. 

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Pat Hanson, OAA AAA RAIC is a founding partner of gh3, a practice based on a new paradigm that explores the overlap of architecture, landscape and sustainability. She is a registered architect who has deliberately staked out a broad practice in the belief that design encompasses the entire spectrum of the built environment, designing projects which bridge beyond architecture into urban design and landscape. During 30 years of practice, Pat has contributed design leadership to the firms at which she was a partner. Pat's background in the visual arts has distinguished her career. A versatile designer and a strong visual communicator, Pat has directed a number of award winning architecture, urbanism and planning projects which have involved complex programs and extensive public consultation processes, as well as the realization of competition-winning designs.

Throughout her career Pat has maintained a strong commitment to architectural education. She has taught graduate level design studios at both the University of Toronto and the University of Waterloo and has lectured on the work of gh3 in Germany, Denmark, Texas, New York and at architectural schools across Canada.