Statement from Waterfront Toronto regarding Ontario Auditor General Report

December 5, 2018, Toronto, ON – Waterfront Toronto CEO Michael Nobrega issued the following statement today in response to the Auditor General’s report, released this morning:

“We acknowledge the Auditor General’s report and thank her for her work. We will use the report’s recommendations as we deliver excellence and move forward with our many waterfront projects. We’ve begun the implementation of recommendations and always strive to protect the public in all of our revitalization plans.

Waterfront Toronto Releases Updated Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Report

Today, Waterfront Toronto released its 2015-2017 Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Report. This update to the previous report highlights the progress that we have made in achieving economic, social and environmental goals, along with many of our future targets.

Smart Cities. Smart Governance. Civic Labs on digital governance and intellectual property at Quayside

A 12 acre Smart City on Toronto’s Waterfront?


There are many aspects of city-building that are very familiar – whether we’re talking affordability, sustainability, transportation, or urban design – we’re familiar with the issues at hand.

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