Waterfront Toronto and Government Partners to Take Next Steps on Proposal to Naturalize Don River

Due Diligence Studies on Flood-Protecting the Port Lands and Surrounding Area, Unlocking Development and Investment

July 15, 2015, Toronto, ON— Today, the federal, provincial and city governments, together with Waterfront Toronto, announced $5 million in funding to complete due diligence work that will provide greater certainty on the costs and risks associated with the proposal to naturalize the mouth of the Don River, provide flo

Let the River Flow – Protecting and Revitalizing the Port Lands

A massive section of the lower east side and waterfront remains at risk of flooding from the Don River.

POSTED: JUNE 16, 2015

The Port Lands, at about 356 hectares (880 acres), is roughly the same size as downtown Toronto. An extensive, underutilized area on the eastern waterfront, the Port Lands presents an unprecedented opportunity for redevelopment.

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