Two Waterfront Toronto projects win Toronto Urban Design Awards

Toronto, September 22, 2009 – Waterfront Toronto’s Spadina WaveDeck and Master Plan for Lake Ontario Park have each been awarded 2009 Toronto Urban Design Awards. Spadina WaveDeck earned an Award of Excellence in the Small Open Space category and the Master Plan for Lake Ontario Park was awarded an Honourable Mention in the Vision and Masterplan category.

Lake Ontario Park Plan and the Spadina WaveDeck win prestigious awards from the Canadian Society of Landscape Architects

Toronto, March 2, 2009 – Waterfront Toronto’s Master Plan for Lake Ontario Park and Spadina WaveDeck have received two National Awards from the Canadian Society of Landscape Architects (CSLA). The Master Plan for Lake Ontario Park was awarded the CSLA’s highest prize, a National Honour Award and the Spadina WaveDeck earned a National Merit Award.


The CSLA Professional Awards Programme recognizes and promotes excellence in all aspects of landscape design. This year’s competition included 56 projects in seven categories.


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