Villiers Island

The Villiers Island precinct (formerly referred to as Cousins Quay) will be a stunning new waterfront community that embraces its distinct industrial functions and the spectacular new parks, public spaces and ecological richness that will result from the naturalization of the mouth of the Don River. Surrounded by water on all sides, the Villiers Island precinct will introduce a vitality to the area that honours the distinctive culture associated with waterfront districts and vibrant working ports.

Density Study

Port Lands Villiers Island (Cousins Quay) Precinct Plan Public Meeting - May 15, 2014

Help us plan the future of the Port Lands Waterfront Toronto, in collaboration with the City of Toronto and the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, is developing a precinct plan for the Cousins Quay Precinct. We invite you to attend a public meeting to provide feedback on the development of this precinct plan. At this first public meeting we will present guiding principles and several different options for how the precinct could be developed. Your participation and ideas are important and will help shape the future of the Cousins Quay Precinct and the Port Lands.

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