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Gardiner East EA Report - Appendix L - Urban Design, Public Realm and Socio-Economic Baseline Conditions Report (2014)

Presentation - Project: Under Gardiner Public Information Centre #2

Port Lands Estuary Proposal - Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates, Inc.

Archaeological Conservation and Management Strategy Final Draft (11MB)

Lower Yonge Precinct EA - Appendix F: Inventory of Archaeological Resources (May 2018)

Marine Use Strategy Report (March 2006)

Gardiner East EA Report - Appendix C - Cultural Heritage Baseline Conditions Report (2014)

Summary Report - East Bayfront Public Forum #1 (October 7, 2003)

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A summary report of the key discussion points and outcomes from the October 7th, 2003 workshop for the East Bayfront Precinct Planning process.
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Gardiner East EA Report - Appendix M - Economics Baseline Conditions Report (2014)