Canada’s Sugar Beach Named 2014 Great Place

May 28, 2014, Toronto, ON—Canada’s Sugar Beach has received a 2014 Great Places Award for excellence in environmental design. The award was presented during the 45th annual Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA) conference in New Orleans.

When selecting a winning project, the EDRA jury pays close attention to the relationship between physical form and human activity or experience. They look for projects that “engage our attention and imagination.”

Water’s Edge Promenade Named One of Canada’s Best Landscape Architecture Projects

March 6, 2014, Toronto, ON— The Water’s Edge Promenade in East Bayfront has received a National Merit Award from the Canadian Society of Landscape Architects (CSLA).

The CSLA Awards of Excellence recognize the best in Canadian landscape architecture. According to the CSLA, this year’s award-winning projects are “a reminder that great design helps build great communities.”

Competition Underway for Major Art Commissions in West Don Lands

May 9, 2013, Toronto, ON— Waterfront Toronto has convened a distinguished jury, including art and design experts and a member of the local community, to evaluate proposals for three public art sites along Front Street east of Cherry. The jury will recommend the winning concepts this month and the commissions will be complete by summer of 2015. We are excited to share some of the proposed concepts here online.

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