Public Comment Invited on the Waterfront Sanitary Sewer Servicing Master Plan

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Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Study


The City of Toronto completed the Waterfront Sanitary Master Servicing Study (Class EA) in October 2012 to ensure that the necessary sanitary sewer infrastructure is in place in the Study Area to service strong development growth along Toronto’s waterfront. In the summer of 2013, the City transferred implementation of part of the overall project to Waterfront Toronto.

Through the study, problems/opportunities were defined, alternatives identified and evaluated, and a preferred solution determined in consultation with a variety of City of Toronto divisions, regulatory agencies and the public. The study was conducted in accordance with the requirements of the Municipal Engineers Association’s Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) document (October 2000, as amended in 2007 & 2011) with a Notice of Completion issued on October 25, 2012.

The Study

The Waterfront Sanitary Master Servicing Study recommended a long-term sanitary servicing strategy for the central waterfront area including East Bayfront (EBF), West Don Lands (WDL), North Keating Area (NKA), Lower Don Lands (LDL) and the Port Lands.

For the WDL and NKA, the Class EA recommendations reflected the previously developed servicing studies for WDL and associated design for the Cherry Street reconstruction. This previous planning and design included a new and larger sanitary sewer along Cherry Street, from immediately north of the CN Rail railway corridor northward to the Low Level Interceptor at Eastern Avenue.

Proposed Modifications to the Study

Since completion of the Class EA, development planning for the EBF and NKA precincts has advanced, and projected sewage flows have increased. As well, a number of constraints have become defined that affect design options, including:

  • Proposal to install stormwater forcemains along Lake Shore Boulevard from East Bayfront to the WDL stormwater facility (Cherry Street Storm Water Facility (“SWF”)) and return stormwater flow to EBF for UV treatment.
  • Updated estimate of the total sludge flow that will be discharged from the SWF to the Cherry Street sanitary sewer. This flow has been increased from a previous estimate of 32 L/s, to 64 L/s.
  • Presence of reinforced concrete mat foundation structure under the railway bridge at Cherry Street which affects the feasibility of upsizing the existing 400-mm sanitary sewer through the existing underpass.
  • Design/construction requirements related to protection of the Gardiner Expressway structure, particularly the need to protect existing “grade beams” located underneath some portions of Lake Shore Boulevard between Bonnycastle Street and Cherry Street.

Based on these constraints and the increased projected sewage flows, a new servicing solution was needed. Additional alternative solutions were identified and evaluated resulting in modifications to the recommended solution in the Study.

The recommended solution now comprises a new gravity sewer from East Bayfront via Queens Quay Boulevard and Small Street, through the North Keating Area along Lake Shore Boulevard, to a new pumping station that would be situated at the City-owned property at 480 Lake Shore Boulevard East, with a forcemain through the Cherry Street rail underpass northward to the newly constructed sanitary sewer on Cherry Street.

The Sanitary Sewer Servicing for North Keating Area and East Bayfront East of Lower Sherbourne Street - Preliminary Design Report by XCG Consultants Ltd. (June 25, 2013) provides specific information on the proposed modifications (including the evaluation of alternatives).

Read the Master Plan report [PDF] to learn more.
View the notice area map [PDF] for a closer look at the study area.

Hardcopies of the report are available for viewing at Waterfront Toronto and WSP Canada; locations and addresses below.

We are interested in hearing any comments or concerns you may have related to the proposed modifications to this Class EA Study. Comments must be received on or before August 28, 2014. For further information or to provide your comments, please contact one of the following:

Waterfront Toronto
John Whitehead
Senior Project Manager

WSP Canada Inc.
Chad Stephen, P. Eng.
Senior Project Manager

Issue Date: August 14, 2014
Information will be collected in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. With the exception of personal information, all comments will become part of the public record.