What Does it Take to Build Great Streets?


New York City’s Times Square has a hustling and bustling street life – but it wasn’t always so people-friendly. What does it take to make truly great streets? (Image by chensiyuan, from Wikimedia Commons.)

In this three-part blog post, we’ll explore a number of factors that contribute to creating vibrant city streets. Part one explores “The Role of Urban Design.” Part two explores how we can “Breathe Life Into Our Streets” and part three looks at “Street Art and the Politics of Public Space.”

John Campbell Speaks to the Toronto Region Board of Trade

Earlier this month, Waterfront Toronto’s President and CEO, John Campbell, gave a speech to business leaders at a Toronto Region Board of Trade luncheon. His remarks touched on the work our agency has done over the last decade and looked ahead at the decade to come. This is an edited transcript of those remarks. (Image courtesy of Toronto Region Board of Trade.)


More Than Just Green Spaces: Linear Parks Create Social, Economic and Environmental Benefits for Neighbourhoods

One of many linear parks and greenways in the city, the Toronto Beltline Trail is one of our favourites. Traversing five separate neighbourhoods, this 9km trail lets you escape the hustle and bustle of the streets as you travel through the city.

Toronto to Host 2015 Intelligent Community Forum Summit and Awards

As the current Intelligent Community of the Year, we will showcase what makes Toronto a global leader in creating economic opportunity through the broadband economy.


In 1995, Toronto hosted the world's first Smart City event, under the name, Smart'95. Twenty years later, the Intelligent Community Forum (ICF) is bringing the global movement’s annual conference and awards back to the city where it all began.

Revised Notice of Completion on Waterfront Sanitary Sewer Servicing Master Plan

Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Study

The City of Toronto completed the Waterfront Sanitary Master Servicing Study (Class EA) in October 2012 to ensure that the necessary sanitary sewer infrastructure is in place in the Study Area (see map) to service strong development growth along Toronto’s waterfront. In summer 2013, the City transferred implementation of part of the overall project to Waterfront Toronto.

Recap: Lots of Fun and Excitement Along the Waterfront this Summer!

Activities along the waterfront kept the crowds coming back to the water’s edge throughout the summer. 


Despite the cool weather, tourists and residents alike enjoyed some great summer activities along the water’s edge. Check out a few of the highlights that kept the crowds busy this summer at the waterfront. Food, entertainment, live music, movies and activities provided something for everyone to enjoy.

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