Revised Notice of Completion on Waterfront Sanitary Sewer Servicing Master Plan

Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Study

The City of Toronto completed the Waterfront Sanitary Master Servicing Study (Class EA) in October 2012 to ensure that the necessary sanitary sewer infrastructure is in place in the Study Area (see map) to service strong development growth along Toronto’s waterfront. In summer 2013, the City transferred implementation of part of the overall project to Waterfront Toronto.

Public Comment Invited on the Waterfront Sanitary Sewer Servicing Master Plan

Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Study


The City of Toronto completed the Waterfront Sanitary Master Servicing Study (Class EA) in October 2012 to ensure that the necessary sanitary sewer infrastructure is in place in the Study Area to service strong development growth along Toronto’s waterfront. In the summer of 2013, the City transferred implementation of part of the overall project to Waterfront Toronto.

Stormwater Treatment Facility Receives Architecture Award of Excellence

January 8, 2012, Toronto, ON – Waterfront Toronto’s West Don Lands stormwater treatment facility has been recognized with a 2011 Award of Excellence by Canadian Architect magazine.

The annual awards recognize architectural design excellence and are given to architects and architectural graduates for buildings in the design stage. Canadian Architect jurors consider response to program, site, geographical and social context, and evaluate physical organization, structure, materials and environmental features when assessing submitted projects.

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