More Affordable Housing Coming to the Waterfront

New affordable rental homes will be built as part of Bayside Toronto.

New affordable rental homes will be built as part of Bayside Toronto.

POSTED: JUNE 11, 2014

Yesterday, Toronto City Council approved a plan to develop 80 affordable rental homes within a market condominium building in the emerging Bayside development in East Bayfront.

The innovative $26-million Bayside initiative will be built and operated through a partnership among the City, Waterfront Toronto, developers Hines/Tridel and Artscape. The 80 affordable units will be owned by the City and operated by Artscape. Construction is expected to be completed by 2018-2019.

Building neighbourhoods for people of all income levels and life stages is a key part of Waterfront Toronto’s revitalization model. This new development will help fulfil our commitment that 20 per cent of residential units in new waterfront communities be affordable rental housing. In addition to this project in East Bayfront, several affordable housing projects are also underway in the West Don Lands.

A rendering of the emerging Bayside development in Toronto's East Bayfront

Want to know more? Read the complete details about today’s City Council Approval in the news release posted in our newsroom